Monday, March 23, 2015

Three Articles 3/22/15

It’s the Audience, Stupid!

1. What is the new approach to storytelling and how is it being used to broaden
  • ·      The new approach of storytelling is the expansion of storytelling through digital media. This article demonstrates how Americans and Europeans want to hear more international news. Producers have learned to not “dumb down” the story and issues for the audience. Usually, in journalism writers will dumb down their writing so that they can attract a larger audience. Prior to the expansion of digital media tools, a form of “crowd sourcing” was used to survey people in order to provide the content and information they desired. With the rise of digital tools, a large collection of opinions can be gathered at a rapid rate.
2. How is digital media being used to engage audiences?
  •      Digital media is being used to engage audiences by helping figure out what news stories need coverage. This gives the readers opportunity to give their opinions and feedback.
3. Give three specific examples of how you can incorporate storytelling into an article you write?
  • ·      If people want to incorporate storytelling into a news article, they must first tell a background or introduce the story. This becomes much like “feature writing” where you give the audience a human factor and not just news. This draws the readers in and helps them to maybe care about an issue that they previously would not have. The writer adding their own personal experience or someones experience, can make them care more and draw them in.
All the Aggregation That’s Fit to Aggregate

1.    What does aggregation mean?
·      Aggregation is the sharing of articles of interest from one news source to another. Sometimes it will be word for word and other times it can be refered to as the business model.

2.    Why does the author describe Arianna Huffington as “the queen of aggregation?”  Go to the Huffington Post and provide an example.
·      The author says that Arianna Huffington is “the queen of aggregation” and her website the Huffington Post is worth 315 million dollars. The reason that this webpage is so original is because it is not original at all actually. Most of the articles on the webpage are merely pulled from other webpages and posted up. One example is this link:

3.    Is aggregation a threat to professional journalism – why or why not?
·      In my opinion, I do not think that aggregation is a threat to professional journalism. I actually believe that it helps professional jounalists and their work. More and more people will be referencing their work and it will be receiving more viewing from a larger audience.

Photojournalism in the Age of New Media

A professional journalist receives a photo captured by a citizen journalist….
What are the positives?
·      The journalist can have access to the photo before the media arrives to a scene.
·      A citizen may have access to somewhere that a professional journalist may not be allowed.

Why does the professional journalist need to be careful?
·      They need to make sure that the information is accurate and not false.
·      Avoiding copyright issues.
·      Determining if there will be financial compensation for the person who took the photo.
Why might the content of the photo be called into question?
·      The source may not be legitimate or something that they can use.
How does citizen photojournalist impact the job of the professional

·      they can both help and hinder their jobs by making certain things easier and others more difficult.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Youtube Article

1. How does the interaction online become the key for Youtube video production community? Please use the media convergence concept to explain it.
  • The interaction online became a main factor for YouTube video production because the community is based on social networking. It allows people to create and share original video content. This then gives them the ability to be able to develop new social connections. Media convergence comes into play because of idea that YouTube can connect users to other various social media accounts, the user’s content is shared and more of an audience can be developed and reached.
2. The article mentioned that the teens are mainly passively consumers of Youtube being on the periphery. But seven out of 10 most subscribed partners are teens and young adults. How do you explain this use of Youtube in youth?
  • The younger generations are very driven by social media and any type of online publication. They are so in tune to it because they can gain followers and create a network for themselves. Youtube is a great way for teens to express themselves because they feel as though they are anonymous but they also have certain followers that urge them to express themselves. I find it no different than a journal that someone would have kept pre internet times.
3. How does Youtube use different techniques to create an online community that is different from other websites?
  • Youtube has a very select community that uses it because its followers understand and have the same passions. The techniques used are different in the sense that they are developed through social media, conventions (VidCon, Playlist Live) and through video content. YouTube allows content creators the chance to interact with their viewers through not only video comments but through social media accounts and it is an awesome form of two way communication through a branding network and viewers or fans. When people work with youtube they become their own bosses and this intrigues a lot of people. I think that youtube is so desirable because it brings images, audio, and text all in one.
4. What is the next step for Youtube development? Please use the concept of participatory culture and media development theory we discussed to explain your answer.
  • I believe that the next step for youtube is growing larger and expanding. Youtube has the potential to explode into the corporate world and it already has. A lot of professions are now incorporating youtube into them. An example of this is how teachers and professors show videos to their classes. Next would be for youtube to explode into the business world. People today are also being discovered on youtube this is huge and will only continue to expand!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Revised: Inovlment in Ukraine

U.S Involvement in Ukraine: Good or Bad?

Since President Barack Obama recently announced that the United States will do whatever they can to help Ukraine and its fight against Russia, there has been much debate about this subject. Back in December, Obama gave a televised speech announcing the stance that the United States will take on the Ukrainian Revolution. He essentially stated that the United States will not tolerate Russia “bullying” Ukraine. Obama said that no matter what, the United States would back Ukraine and do whatever they could to show Russia their corrupt actions will not be tolerated. President Obama even went as far as to say that “the United States has brokered a deal to help transition power in Ukraine.” Due to the fact that President Obama announced his support for Ukraine people within the United States have been debating if this would help create peace or would it actually make things worse?
To date, President Obama has helped lower oil and gas prices which in turn have significantly hindered Russia and their economy. While things seemed to mildly die down for a little, they have recently sparked back up. Now the newest question is should the United States arm the Ukranian people? There has been much debate on if this is a good idea or not. Some feel as though arming the people of Ukraine would be a good idea. They feel as though if they arm them it could get them a fair chance to defend themselves against Russia and their government. However, the other side of this argument is that it would be unnecessary and it would create violence for no reason at all.
Just this past Saturday, the Kiev army accused Russia of sending in tanks and more men towards a small town in Ukraine. This has generated much fear because it could very well be the next battleground. Although Russia did not deny nor confirm this, they have denied that they even have forces fighting there. John Kerry commented on the situation stating, We know to a certainty what Russia has been providing and no amount of propaganda is capable of hiding these actions. For anyone wanting to make gray areas out of black, let's get very real, the Minsk agreement is not open to interpretation, it is not vague, it is not optional.”

There have been many talks of forcing a cease-fire but if Russia continues to ignore than there could be an attack. Kerry also stated, “If this failure continues, make no mistake, there will be further consequences, including consequences that will put added strains on Russia's already troubled economy. We are not going to sit back and allow this kind of cynical, craven behavior to continue at the expensive of the sovereignty of another nation." While people in Ukraine are preparing for the worst and a possible attack they know they have the United States behind them. Along with the support of the United States, much of Europe is also in talks on how to avoid an attack on Ukraine. There are a ton of meetings and time is continuing to tick away. A March 31st deadline for Russia to cease fire needs to be met or else this could erupt into something much larger and affect more countries other than just Ukraine and Russia.
Pictured: Barack Obama and President Puntin

 Pictured: Ukrainian Citizens in favor of support from countries such as the United States rally for immediate help.

Social Media Use is Soaring

Social Media Use is Soaring
1.     What did you learn about the growing trends in the use of social media?
·      I believe that the most interesting fact stated in the article was referring to how much time people are on the internet for. It has been a give fact that every since the internet was created, people were logging on. However, now people are logging on for increasing amounts of times. Apps have also taken over the digital world we know this because there has been an 85% increase in app usage. This is a significant increase in any usage and the results are pretty staggering.
2.     What takeaways do you see from the data?

·      Out of all of the data, I believe that it is most important to note that the use of social media is inevitable. No matter what you do or where you go, social media is all around us. You need to have some understanding of social media to be able to actually communicate in todays society.

Monday, March 2, 2015

web 3.0

Web 3.0

The article first begins by breaking the 3.0 into three different parts; 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. Web 1.0 is essentially two different parts, one part acts as the consumer and the other acts as the producer. The author compares this sensation to that of a can of soup. Essentially he says that web 1.0 is where one person makes the soup then another person will consume that soup. The next is web 2.0 where the author states that this is more of a dinner party where everyone brings their own soup to share with one another. In this instance everyone is both a producer and also a consumer. Finally, web 3.0 is about the context and substance of someone’s computer.  Using the dinner party example, not only will there be consumers and producers of “soup.” However, 3.0 knows who’s coming to this party and if they’re not than it knows why.