Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"Worship at the Altar of Convergence"

Questions for “Introduction: ‘Worship at the Altar of Convergence’” to the book Convergence Culture by Henry Jenkins 

 1. Why does convergence happen in the communication and media fields?
Convergence occurs in the communication and media fields because of an idea known as collective intelligence. This is the idea that there is so much information on one specific subject that it would be impossible for one to know everything on it. Therefore, this creates buzz and generates conversation amongst many. Information about a subject could start on the internet and then end up being generated around the whole world. For example, in the "Bert is Evil" example given in the reading, the photo began on photoshop. From there, it traveled across the country, got printed out on posters and then those posters were televised by CNN bringing them into the homes of many worldwide.
2. What are the three different kinds of digital convergence discussed in the article?
The three different kinds of digital convergence discussed in the article are media convergence, participatory culture and collective intelligence. Media convergence is the idea that all forms of media are now intersecting due to new technology. This meaning that changes in technology are shaping the way in which a message is transmitted to its audience. Participatory culture connects to media convergence because without a culture that is actively participating, there would be no need for a convergence or change. Finally, collective intelligence takes every bit of information that we as a society knows and how that information mixes with new information we continue to learn.  
3. What cultural and social impacts does digital convergence have in addition to technological changes?
Digital Convergence has many impacts on both social and cultural norms. As a result of the smart phone, both of societies social and cultural norms have shifted. The smart phone has given every individual that owns one to be completely connected at all times. For example, people have the ability to take out their phone and film a crisis as it occurs. In such times of horror more and more people can be seen taking out their phone to film rather than to help. Much like the terrorist attack on France that just recently occurred where people actually had cell phone footage of terrorist shooting innocent people. This footage was replayed over and over again on every major news conglomerate.
4. Do the new media displace old media in the history of media development? Why or why not? 
As noted in the reading there is a theory that old media never really died, however the devise that one uses to view them does. For example, a CD player no longer is used to listen to music rather one would use their Ipod or smart phone instead. This idea can be applied when discussing old and new media within its development of media. Media is still using old tactics while it continues to include many new types. CNN still goes out and reports live from the scene of some breaking news just like they used to. However, on their show while discussing it they may let viewers tweet them their opinions and get their feedback. This is a great way for media to still use old tactics while applying new ones as well.

5. The convergence happens from both the top-down corporate level and bottom-up grassroots level. How do both levels change the traditional concept of media consumption? 
 As noted in the text early on, convergence does in fact happen fro both the top-down corporate level and bottom-up grassroots level. Both levels do have to change the tradition concept of media consumption. They both have to work together in the idea that they have to change the ways in which media is being consumed if they want to be heard and successful. Top-down corporate levels must reevaluate how they view smaller bottom-up grassroots level companies. Years ago large companies did not even have to think about smaller companies. However, now every single product is being bought and every single voice is being heard. Therefore this means that what smaller companies are putting out there is being heard around the world. This means that larger companies must start to be more aware of what smaller no name people or companies are putting out there.
6. What does digital convergence in media indicate for communication and journalism professionals in the future?
In my opinion, I believe that digital convergence in media indicates a significant shift in the way professionals view the industry. As a communication major I feel that moving forward I must be more aware of every single bit of information being put out there. In this day and age every person that posts something to their blog or social media cite is being heard. While not everyone who posts something creates a controversy it is very likely that someone else will. I think that it is important to be aware of every single new and exciting piece of technology put out there on the market as I see it shaping the way in which we all do our jobs. In conclusion I believe that digital convergence is an exiting and new way that professionals will do their jobs. We are at a tricky time in which we still value our older knowledge on how media is supposed to be as a whole and also how it is shaping and evolving today.

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