Monday, February 2, 2015

Acoustic Space

1.    What are the differences between the pre-literate acoustic world and the alphabetical visual world? How does the media of television become a part of the acoustic world?

The pre- literate world is very different from that of the alphabetical visual world. The pre- literate world was very one tracked and single minded for several reasons. During this time there was no means of mass production, essentially this demonstrates that access to different works and such were very limited. Also, only few were able to understand and or interpret the meanings of these various kinds of works. Now, the alphabetical visual world is much more engaged and in tune to one another. The world in which we live today, has made it very easy to combine each of the many senses that were noted in the article. The television has very much become a part of this alphabetical acoustic world by bringing both visual senses and acoustic senses together into one. For example, people watching a broadcast production produced by CNN have the ability to hear, see and feel something that is miles away. This brings viewers worldwide together for one single work.

2.    Why does the alphabet have the segregating tendencies? How exactly does the printing press reverse the segregating tendencies?

The alphabet has many segregating tendencies. Prior to a printing press which gave the ability of mass production for literary works, access was limited. The printing press really changed the way in which people hear, see and feel about different published works. The bible, which is one of the most influential published works ever created was only seen and read by few at the time of its creation. In my opinion, this is the biggest form of segregation that the human race has ever gone through. A literary work that was controlling the way in which society functioned, was only seen by a small portion of people.  

3.    How does the alphabetic communication in online communication make cyberspace acoustic? How is the online acoustic world different from the television, radio, or print acoustic world?

Online, whatever characters, pictures or sounds that someone wants to see or hear is readily available. The internet gives everyone access to pretty much anything out there. The internet is also very different from that of the radio, television or print acoustic world for one major reason. The internet is able to connect all three of the acoustic worlds together for an exquisite experience.


4.    Not only do we invent media and media technologies but also we select their uses in different contexts. What are the two selection criteria? According to the selection criteria, please discuss what will happen to our online communication in 20 years.

There are two major pieces to the selection criteria that one uses. One is, we want media to extend our communications beyond the biological boundaries of naked seeing and hearing. Next, we want media to recapture elements of that biological communication which early artificial extensions may have lost. Both of these criterion in my opinion play an active role in how people think about internet as a whole. While many people are scared that maybe technology (especially the internet) has become too prevelant in our everyday lives. Yet, within the next twenty years, I believe that online communication will become a major part of society’s means of communication. I believe this because I feel as if people are becoming more and more comfortable with the idea that technology will become an even bigger part of the human race than it is currently.

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