Monday, February 9, 2015

Virtual Revolution

Questions for the documentary “Virtual Revolution” part 1, 2, and 3.

1.    The web is celebrated as the revolutionary technology that is great leveling of humanity creating equal opportunity, equal access, and equal potential. However, there are only a quarter of people on the earth who can use it. How do you explain the controversial argument here?

·         While I am positive that there are multiple arguments supporting the idea that the web is leveling humanity, there are many arguments against it. The web is argued to create equal opportunity, equal access and equal potential. Yet, only a quarter of the people on earth actually use it. Therefore one cannot simply argue that the web is heling to level humanity. Based on the facts given, I believe that the web is actually separating humanity even more. For example, wealthy people have access to the newest and most advance technologies out there on the market simply because they can afford it. Children in inner city schools barely even have enough funds to own the books that they need for their classes. While my school had multiple computer labs filled with brand new macs. This to me separates humanity even more and it starts earlier on than most would think.


2.    How is Wikipedia the best example to implement the leveling ideas of the Web rooted in the cultural revolution of 1960s, namely the Libertarianism in the counter culture? How does it explain some of the digital convergences?

·         The web especially that of Wikipedia allows for anyone to be the author. Anyone is now allowed to be a publisher and author sending their message out. Wikipedia allows people to go in and changed published facts in hopes to get the best source. The libertarianism point of view allows for “social misfits” to continue being so by publishing online. Nobody is in charge on the web which allows for many drastic and different point of views. Libertarianism essentially is the idea that left and right wing ideals mix together and essentially mold for the best possible way of doing something. This is all traced back to the 1960’s and was first demonstrated through hippies. It’s about all about self-expression and what else really is the web? Self-expression is especially popular on Wikipedia because people post and edit what they feel is correct. 


3.    How does the Web make it possible for different kinds of digital convergence?

·         The internet really integrates many ideals and digital convergences. The internet as created by the counter culture really makes is possible for everything to come together. Without the internet there would be no mixing of left and right wing opinions. There would not be hate speech surrounded by opposing views urging them to not be so hateful. The internet makes this possible by letting everyone’s voice to be heard.

4.    How can the Internet become a challenge for traditional authority? Use the political landscape changes in some counties to illustrate your answer.

·         The internet is a challenge for traditional authority in more ways than one. The internet isn’t ran by anyone and there is free run for everyone who access to a computer. For example, the United States has had to start changing up their policies because now the internet is becoming more and more of an issue. Online bullying is becoming such an issue that now people are actually killing themselves. The government and school system now actually has to pay more attention to online social media sites.


5. Do you believe that getting information free can set us free eventually? Why or Why not? Do you see any concerns of the complete freedom or self-expression without limit on the Internet? Why or why not?

·         I believe that getting information for free can definitely set us free. Now instead of scholar’s spoon feeding us what they want us to hear, the people can actually give us the information. For example, Wikipedia allows people to edit information that they don’t necessarily feel is true.

5.    In traditional media communication, it has the “vertical” authority. In the Web communication, it becomes “horizontal?” How do you explain the change? How does this create the possibility for digital media convergence?

·         The change occurs because the internet gives everyone access to put information out there. Now, the traditional norms that society has used for years is changing.


6.    Why is it that the Web is free critical for the success of the Web itself? How does that clash with the corporate business ideology? How does that pose challenges for copyright issues at the same time? What will happen if the Web is not free?

·         The web definitely needs to be free because if it’s not then there will be a huge digital divide. Digital divide occurs when some have access to the internet and its knowledge within and others do not. This is not good for humanity because it does not in any way level out the “playing field.” If everyone does not have access to the same information and knowledge than it will only have a negative impact on society as a whole.

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